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As a lover of both technology and music, Shazam is one of the best apps I’ve come across. Often times I will hear a beautiful piece of composition that catches my ear and don’t know the artist, song title or variant of it and can’t find it - but with Shazam, that’s a thing of the past.
What’s the name of that song? Shazam will identify music playing around you or in apps like TikTok, Instagram & YouTube. Discover live shows, song lyrics, videos & more. Over 2 billion installs and counting!
I’ve been using this program for some years now and one thing that has amazed me is the quickness in which Shazam can identify the music piece in question, currently watching “The Creator” (great Sci-Fi film btw) and it had a japanese or asian song that caught my ear (during the scene where the police raid the apartment to recapture Alpha) and I started the program up to capture the song on a part where it was just instrumentation under sounds and dialogue and within in less than 2 seconds Shazam picked up on what the song was and that is what motivated me to write this review.